We were all hunkered down around the lunch table. We were lamenting the patheticness of our various lunches. Some had boring turkey sandwiches from home. I was picking at a dish the cafeteria insisted contained chicken....I think it was closer to pigeon. And its cold and gloomy. Welcome to May in Massachusetts.
I think the best lunch at the table was a peanut butter and fluff sandwich.
In some round about way, the conversation went from marshmellow fluff, marshmellows...and finally to s'mores.
Sangeetah, a coworker and friend, said she never had a s'more. Never had a s'more?! It turns out that since Sangeetah was born and raised in India, there are several American treats she has never experienced. Such as Twinkies! Sangeetah never had a Twinkie!
Yes, they are junk food. Yes, they are soooo bad for you. Yes and unwrapped twinkie has a shelf life of 25 years. When human beings no longer walk the earth, all that will be left will be roaches and twinkies.
But I digress. The point here is that our friend will soon be leaving us to get a Ph.D in California. And we very well can't let her leave without experiencing twinkies.
That afternoon we took a Twinkie break. The Children's Programming business manager took a little walk to Stop and Shop and bough a big box of Twinkies and a big box of Hostess Cup Cakes. And Sangeetah got to experience the artificially flavored joy of a Twinkie for the first time!
Today Twinkies, tomorrow S'mores!