Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The Phone Tree...Next Generation

Today I realized I was truely an adult.  Period.  Not because I paid a bill or because I accomplished something with a great deal of tact.  I realized I was an adult because I got a phone call from my sister.

I got a phone call from my sister to tell me that my uncle in El Salvador passed away.  I never
met him but he was a good man. 

My sister told me the news and then it was my job to notify my cousins to pass the news along.

While talking to my cousin I made the realization that we were now the adults.

Every family has a phone tree.  Something happens and the phone calls start trickling through the family spreading the news.

When I was growing up, my mom got these calls and then had to break whatever news it was to my dad and her

Now I'm the one getting the phone call, not my mom.  I'm the one who had to tell her, not the other way around.  I'm the one who had to console her telling her he was in a better place now.

Being an adult sucks. 


  1. happened to me this year as well....I felt like the Grim Reaper a few months ago having to call my brother in Ohio and I recieved the bad news from one of my cousins this time around witch was VERY odd....being an adult does suck, I fully agree!!!!

  2. (((Sonia))))

    My grandparents raised me, and now they're in their late 80's and in failing health. It's up to my Aunt Terry, one of my other cousins and me to put the family reunion together, to cook for holiday functions... etc. etc.

    Being a grown up DEFINITELY sucks.

  3. I am sorry to hear about your uncle. I could not agree with you more, when it comes to the point where we have to deliver the bad news to family and friends, we are the adult, and that sucks big time.
