Tuesday, December 18, 2007

This makes me smile...

I've caught this on TV from time to time and I always love to see it!  So since it makes me happy, I thought I'd share it with all of you!  Patti Labelle...such an incredible voice!  The Sesame Street gang...need I say more?  But can someone tell me why Rosita, the only Latina muppet, has a moustache.  That's messed up.


  1. yayyy Glad that you were able to get the clip you wanted on your blog.... and wow what a blast from the past this is. Love this, and Thank you, watching this made me happy too. Sorry to say, I have no idea why Rosita has a "stache" maybe she'll get a lady bic in her stocking this year. lol.. Poor Bert has had that "unibrow" issue going on for years now.. wtf lmao
    Merry Christmas sweet friend ~Mandy~

  2. As a member of the "Latina-stache" club I would recommend regular waxing!

  3. Love the clip. I saw Patti Labelle in concert many years ago and it was one of the best performances I have ever seen. Now for the stache issue on Rosita, I feel her pain :):):) Yes a regular wax job may help
