I'm a big believer in giving everyone their fair share. This may not be a popular point of view for some of you. But we need to stop and give our thanks to George W. Bush for the work he has done for this nation.
Thank you Mr. President, if you hadn't completely screwed up our country, we as a nation wouldn't be taking this presidential election as seriously as we are.
For the first time, in a long time, people are paying serious attention to who is running for office. More people of color are voting than ever before. More young people are voting than they have in a LOOONG time. People are really taking notice of the candidates, their platforms, the issues, and what it could mean for them.
So thank you Mr. President. Thank you for plunging us into debt. What's another couple trillion dollars? Thank you for sending us to war under false pretenses. I rather enjoyed seeing my niece go off to Iraq...TWICE. Thank you for making us completely addicted to foreign oil. All my money was just sitting in a bank account, not doing anything. Now I get to spend every last cent on gas! Thank you for helping us disregard the importance of our environment. My grandchildren didn't need to see a real polarbear...pictures of them after they are extinct will be just fine. Thanks for making it easy for companies to send our jobs overseas. Job security is soooo yesterday! Thank you for not rebuilding New Orleans. It's ok that you've forgotten about one of the most unique cities in this country. And don't worry about denying you knew about how Katrina devestated the city, especially after we all saw footage of you being told about the impending hurricane and you doing nothing. We understand how easily confused you can get.
So we thank you for being a huge screw up and absolute waste of space. It's the wake up call we all needed to start taking our electoral process more seriously. Maybe now we can all get back to business.
Oooooooh chile, you had me going for a hot minute there...I don't normally comment on politics but girlie you have hit the nail on the head and with meticulous precision. Not quite sure this country is ready or mature enough to see an African American or a Women President (I myself don't mind either as long as they help us po folk). I haven't yet decided who's getting my vote but I AM POSITIVE OF ONE THING IF NOTHING ELSE -- IF I NEVA EVA SEE A REPUBLICAN AGAIN IN THE WHITEHOUSE IN MY LIFE TIME IT'D BE TOO FREAKIN' SOON…
ReplyDeleteAs Forrest Gump said…”That’s all I have to say about that”.
I am so fed up and frustrated with this presidency. I just need to see someone else in that oval office! I'm torn, I don't know who is getting my vote yet. I asked my mother the other day (she became a citizen 12 years ago) who she was voting for...she said "el negrito." Knows nothing about his platform, but says he looks like a really nice man. Well, at least she's voting democrat.
ReplyDeleteLOL...when I first started to read this I actually thought you were praising him and I was SHOCKED but I continued to read on....sounds like the rant my husband was going off about the other night....lots of us feel the same way!!
ReplyDeleteas usual, I love the way your noodle works :-)
BRAVO BRAVO SONI!!!! I am voting for you for President :):):) Much like Tainababygirl and Julie I thought you were praising our current leader (I shudder as I type) until I read on. Our nation is so ready for a change and I personally believe the control of our country has been in the Bush and Clinton family long enough, it is time for a REAL change. I guess you can tell who I will be voting for..... that's right, I'm voting for SONI
ReplyDeleteKUDOS to you... I couldn't have said it any clearer and to the point.
ReplyDeleteWe need a change...and I'm MOS DEF doing my thang at the polls
That is the kind of blog entry i would expect from people who ONLY get their info from CNN. But congrats, you hit evey democrap talking point on the head. Too bad it is all BS though. The only thing that is making this next election so "interesting" to more voters than usual is the NEED to keep mrs BILL and osama obama OUT of the White house. IF you think Bush is responsible for our "dependency" on oil, i have a bridge to sell ya. What did billy BJ do to ease the oil issue when he was prez?? Oh, wait, he was busy with Monica, thats right. Global warming is BS, tax cuts for the rich, BS.......where was the local government during Katrina, they knew it was coming?? Blaming Bush for Katrina aid is BS..........but hey, im flexible......all you need to do is get Osama obama to become, prolife, support a ban on gay marriage, drop the global warming lies and support out military and this IMPORTANT war.....oh ya, and put his hand on his heart during Anthem, and not in hi pockets, then id vote for him!!!!
ReplyDeleteWOW. Someone sure has lots to say, hiding behind a blank profile.
ReplyDeletethat always bothers me, if you have something to say...then show you're face...we do.
ReplyDeleteKnowing my name or what i look like will not change my message. And what i said is just the tip of the iceberg. Obama is only appealing to those who dont know, or refuse to accept how inept and inexperienced he actually is.......I met this man in person and had a dialogue, no one here can say that, and he was just as transparent then as he is today. Hope is not a platform to run for Prez on. I WANT experience in the White House, not a moonbat who is going to take my hard earned $$ and give it to the residents of bastard factories. This man has been endorsed by Hugo Chavez, Arama(whats his name) from Iran, the new and improved Castro and behind closed doors, the Taliband and Al Queda. Voting for him because you dont like Bush is beyond reason. Voting for him because he gives "inspired" speeches is beyond reason......he has no substance, he is running on hope and in the world today (due mostly to the inability of bill clinton to lead) hope is not enough!!!!!
ReplyDeleteseriously Michael, let it go.
ReplyDeleteLet what go??? The truth?? A true conservative values the truth and lets others know what it is!!! Thats all im doing here..........wait, do you know who i am and what i look like?? HEHEHE