Sunday, August 17, 2008

Regarding Pregnancy

I happened to see this on Youtube and it brought back a lot of memories and feelings for me regarding pregnancy.  I'm not sure how many of you know this, or if any at all, but my little Treenie was a preemie...that's funny...Treenie the Preemie.From the begining my pregnancy was deemed "high risk"  I nearly miscarried twice, early in my pregnancy.  When I was six months along, my water broke and I spent the next month on bed rest at Mass General Hospital.  I ended developing an infection in my uterus and had an emergency c-section.  Treenie was stuck and running out of time and I nearly bled to death.  But she was finally born and I lived to see her grow up into a smart, beautiful, precocious, smart alec 7 year old.  I consider this to be the greatest accomplishment of my life.  I can say that from the bottom of my heart, and with every fiber of my being, I fought to bring my child into the world!I guess that is why I take issues dealing with pregnancy very personally.  (i.e. the whole gloucester pregnancy scandal.)  Pregnancy is serious business and you better be damned ready to deal with a baby if you find yourself pregnant.

One memory that particularly stood out for me was about my ex husband.  At the husband.  He could not understand why I was sooo tired, why I was sooo irritable, why I was soooo emotional.  He did not understand the toll that pregnancy takes on a woman's body.  And even though I was getting bigger, I don't think it became "REAL" to him until he felt his child kick for the first time.

He tried to feel the baby kick once, but I think she was too small.  I could feel her moving around, he couldn't feel anything when he had his hand on my belly.  A couple of weeks later I said, "Come feel the baby kick!"  He kind of rolled his eyes and whined that he couldn't feel her last time.  I insisted.  And he continued to whine while I put his hand on the spot she was kicking.  He was in mid whine when he stopped cold and said "Oh my God!"  And then the pregnancy was real.  He spent the rest of the afternoon with his head resting on what was left of my lap so he could feel the baby move around.

He cut me more slack for the rest of the pregnancy because he understood that I was sharing my body with another person.  I was, in essence, two people at the same time.

When I saw this video I remembered something.... pregnancy is not child's play!!


  1. OMG that video gave me cramps!!!! LMAO

  2. Even after 30 years I still remember that feeling, which is a feeling impossible to describe in words.
