Tuesday is almost here and I am about to burst from excitement! The beginning of a very long journey is over and Day One will finally be here!
We will begin the arduous journey of putting the pieces of our shattered country back together again and bringing forth a renewed America.
While watching the many retrospectives on Barack Obama's climb to the presidency, I thought about the moments that I will always remember.
I remember starting out backing Hillary Clinton, but now in hindsight, I see that what I was backing was a return to the Clinton years...oh those unprecedented eight years of peace and prosperity! Those were good years!
I remember taking 20 minutes fill out my ballot during the primary. I didn't know who to give my vote to, Hillary or Barack. More than once, I was asked if I needed help understanding the ballot. I just needed help making my choice. I gave my precious vote to Barack Obama and hoping I made the right choice.
I remember those contentious debates! I woke up my daughter on several occasions because I was yelling at the TV.
I remember that while money was tight, I donated to his campaign...$5 here...$5 there...$10 after getting a really good tip at a face painting gig...and of course my donation to Planned Parenthood in honor of Sarah Palin!
I remember taking my daughter to the polls so that one day she would remember that she was there when her mother...and her grandmother, a naturalized citizen....cast their votes and became a part of history.
I remember screaming when the election results were finally in!
I remember being moved to tears during Barack Obama's speech later that evening!
I was told once by an acquaintance that I was wasting my time on Barack Obama because you can't run a country on hope. I was told how stupid I was to believe in his message of hope.
As far as hope...I think that hope is a powerful tool.
Colonists waged war against the crown of King George because they had HOPE in starting a new country run by its citizens and not by a monarchy!
Slaves risked their lives by escaping to the North in HOPE of living as free men and women!
European Jews survived the horrors of the concentration camps because they had HOPE that they would be freed!
Immigrants from all over the world, immigrants like my mother, came to this country with the HOPE of a better life!
And we all cast our votes in HOPE that we could turn this country around.
Hope is never anything we can look down on.
And on Tuesday, Hope will change the course of history!
well written...without hope, there is really nothing...hope is much better than greed and power....or ignorance and stupidity...When Bush flew over Washington today, to see all the hundreds of thousands there..He must of said to himself..."wow..hardly anyone showed up for my inaugurations"...
ReplyDeleteWe all Hoped and now we all Beleive. I hope you saw the concert today. It is so insprirational. So many great performers and speakers. If not, it is on HBO right now. It just started her again in Cali..HBO, even non subscribers.
ReplyDeleteAnd there is a very good reason for that my friend. Bush got elected with a fear and hate based message/platform and a great economy. Placid, unaffectual people, unmoved and unispired.
ReplyDeleteThis time is a complete polar opposite. Hope is all we had. And of course a great candidate.
Bush is excused now. Well in about 36 hours...
'Some men see things as they are and say why, I dream things that never were and say why not.'
ReplyDeleteit is too bad that some men get elected through fear...The true mark of a Leader, is someone who can take that fear, and turn it to something positive...Bush turned it into further paranoia, and destruction...
The last people who truly inspired the country, for change, and growth, and unity, were destroyed by the few who prospered on fear and paranoia...
Let us hope and pray that Abraham, Martin and John, as well as Robert, do not add the name Barrack to the list....Bush may be leaving...but the people he worked with are still around...and he was never thrown out of office, or made to pay for the destruction he caused...