I am sooo done! I can even say that I am sickened. I've had it.
Christmas is two days away.
Everywhere I go, it's crowded. People are on edge. We're pulling out our plastic and whatever cash we have and we are buying stuff. Lots of stuff. Mountains of stuff. And every time I turn on the TV there are more commercials about discounts and one day sales! TVs! Computers!! Cars!! Clothes!! Gadgets!! Buy it now!! Time is running out! Christmas is almost here!
Spend! Spend!! Spend!!!
This is not what Christmas is about.
Again, I would like to remind everyone that I am not part of a particular church.
Chistmas is about the birth of a special child. Its about rejoicing! It's about getting together with family and friends and celebrating this birth that heralds a new era! It's about new beginings!
Not stuff! Not X-Boxes or Ipods! Not about "christmas lists" and financing! We buy all this stuff and we're missing the point.
So while we're pulling our hair out over who gets what and who we may have forgotten to get stuff for, we have forgotten what it all means.
Let's recap. A child was born in a manger. Angels appeared to shepards. A child was born in the most meager way. And these angels appeared to people who were not regarded as very important to the society of those particular times. By today's equivalent, if this special child was born today, he would have been born in a garage, maybe a lobby, and the angels would have appeared to cashiers at 7-11. This little boy was a new born king for EVERYONE even those of us who are not part of the upper eschelon of society.
How do we celebrate this birth, by spending and spending and driving ourselves nuts. (And on top of that, we can't even say Merry Christmas without the fear of offending someone.) So instead of celebrating a miracle, it has been reduced to an expressway to debt, materialism and neurosis!
I can't wait for the Christmas season to be over because of what it has become. This makes me very sad. Again, I'm not a bible beater, I'm just a lowly sinner. I should be happy, but I'm not. Instead I'm going to wrap some presents and wonder what happened to Christmas.