Today my daughter asked me what was better, being a kid or being an adult.
She thought being an adult was better because I get to drive, I get to buy what ever I want (yeah, right!)I get to vote and I get to stay up late.
I on the other hand would love to be a kid again for just one day.
She gave me a confused look and asked why.
I asked her..."Let's stay you are at school and you fall down the stairs...tell me exactly what would happen next?"
She thought about it and we came up with a list.
First, everyone would ask her if she was ok. Other kids or a teacher would help her up. She would go to the nurse. If she started to cry, someone would comfort her and maybe give her a little hug. The nurse might let her hang out for a little while in her office and giver her some juice. And for the rest of the day, everyone would be sooo concerned asking if she was ok.
Earlier this summer I fell down the stairs at work.
A coworker of mine came running to me with a stack of digital tapes that needed to be dubbed onto d-beta and if I could please run them over to the tape floor..hurry...super urgent...the editor's are waiting.
So off I ran with a bunch of tapes and work orders.
I wanted to be green so I took the stairs. While running down the stairs I lost my footing and down I went..boom, boom, boom, boom, boom!
Tapes everywhere! Work orders fluttering down the stair case.
I am laying on the landing with the word splat hanging over me and little birds and stars circling my head. And on top of that I was wearing a dress...lying there...legs akimbo with my lady-town making its big debut. Well, at least I was wearing cute panties.
And if you, by any chance, are wondering how bad the fall was, the picture I chose to post along with today's blog is a pretty accurate representation...only in a dress! one was there to see the fall. While at the same time, no one was there. So if I had gotten really hurt, who knows how long I would have laid there until someone found me.
Well, I wasn't badly hurt; mostly bumps, bruises and scrapes. But I had to get up and keep right on going. I needed to get my tapes where they had to go. So I collected myself, collected my things. Yes, I was crying like a little girl, but I staggered to the tape floor and got the job done.
And for the rest of the day..."Dude! I heard you fell! HA! No, serious, you ok? But that's still pretty funny!"
There was no nurse. No juice. Not even a friggin' pat on the head!!
That's why being a kid is better if its only for the juice!