Monday, November 17, 2008

I'm Normal!!

I've never been normal before!  But I have proof in black and white from my doctor...I'm normal!!

As some of you know, about a year and a half ago, I underwent weight loss surgery.  At my heaviest, I weighed 220 lbs.  I guess that would not be so bad if I was a man who was over 6 ft. tall.  However, I'm a woman and I'm only 5 ft. tall. 

I remember always feeling tired.  I remember my back aching all the time and my knees and feet in constant pain...or at least when I was standing.  Climbing stairs was such a chore and I would get winded with the slightest activity.

My blood pressure was through the roof and my blood sugar was elevated.  I also had high cholesterol.  And I was smoking.

In short, I was a ticking time bomb.

A few years ago, I lost my father to complications from Diabetes. 

Most people have this misconception that if just avoid sugar, you'll be fine.  However, these people didn't watch my father die.  They didn't see him barely survive major strokes.  They did not see him develop gangrenous infections that ultimately lead to the amputation of both his legs.  They did not see him go through dialysis.  All of these caused by Diabetes.

Once my daughter, after catching me smoking after I promised her that I would quit, asked me, "Mommy, if you die, who's going to take care of me?"  I felt like such an asshole.  She was only 5 and that should have been the furthest thing from her mind.

Not much later a nurse at a wellness fair at work put the fear of God into me.  My blood pressure was in stroke territory. After seeing my father survive strokes and having my daughter confront me about my smoking, I knew I was looking mortality in the face. 

I needed to decide...was I going to live or was I going to die?

I chose to live.  If I died, who was going to take care of my daughter?  My ex?  Please.  He can't take care of a pet rock let alone a child.  And what if I did have a stroke?  Or complications from Diabetes like my dad?  I didn't want my daughter to take care of me like I did for my dad.  Although I stepped up to the plate and took care of him when I could, because it was my duty as his daughter, it was hard.  It was hard to do and hard to watch.  And its painful to remember.  I don't want that for my daughter.  I want her to live her life.

So I chose to live, to do that I needed to lose weight.  A LOT OF WEIGHT.

I chose the lap band.

Today I received proof that I made the right decision.  I received a follow-up of my lab studies:

  • My total cholesterol is 149.  Less than 200 is optimal.
  • My HDL (good cholesterol) was 38.  Optimal is 40 or greater, so maybe I'll eat more fish or take an Omega 3 supplement.
  • My triglycerides are 124.  Optimal is 150 or lower.
  • My total cholesterol/HDL ratio is 3.9:1.  A ratio of 4.5:1 or less means I am at LOW risk of coronary artery disease.
  • Blood Count - Normal
  • Kidney function - Normal
  • Thyroid - Normal
  • Liver function - Normal
And finally my A1C test (diabetes test) shows no evidence of diabetes!  In fact my blood sugar, which has always been high since I was a child, is now normal.  In fact, my doctor wrote in a hand written addendum to his follow up letter, "REALLY NORMAL!"

I've never been normal before.  Today, I'm normal!

Now granted, the fact that I can see my toes and my pant size is a lot smaller than what I used to wear, is nice.  I love it in fact.  Not to say I am all done losing weight.  I actually still have a ways to go.  But I'm normal.

When I get a chance, I go hiking with my daughter.  Couldn't do that 2 years ago.  I can race my daughter across the park...and win!  I couldn't do that 2 years ago.  I can look forward to my future now...couldn't do that 2 years ago.

And I am finally NORMAL!

Its a brand new day!


  1. Congratulations! I was on the road to normal once. I decided that I use the Michael Thurman method. It really does work. But some where along the lines, I messed up. Pick up my old habit of smoking and weight is going up again. I never thought I’d be here again but here I am.

    I'm kinda going through some issues with itty bitty bouts of depression (nothing clinical I'm sure) just in a slump. But you are an inspiration. I wanna get back to being normal. Thanks for this post. It was something I needed to read.

    Continued success to you, nena. HugZ

  2. Hey mija! Here is the thing about the road back to normal! Every now and then you might trip or stumble and find yourself off the road. But you can always get back on! I smoked too! And you know what, you quit once and you can quit again! And the road to normal is right where you left it. Just dust yourself off, give yourself a hug and jump back on. I'll be waiting for you there!

  3. Very Very Good Sonia! That is something to be so very proud of. Making choices, working hard and getting fit to make sure you can be the best woman and Mom you can possibly be. How awesome are you ! ?
    You can be proud and so can your daughter. Could be that from example, she will not have to fight the same battle. You have changed her habits too.

    ((Big Hug))


  4. I always thought being normal was over rated but the normal you speak of is wonderful :-)

  5. That is so perfect! You do make it all sound so wonderful! I am so proud of you and happy for your loved ones as well!

  6. way to go kiddo....very know, the surgery was just one step...staying healthy by developing good habits is the real trick, and it looks like you are doing it...kudos...
    i knew someone who's 10 year old daughter looked after...sadly, she passed away...i could see the pain in her daughter...and now, it;s a double edged sword,...sure, she is free to live her own life, but she is now 14 and without her heart breaks for her so much..
    You made a great choice..
