I am happily watching "When Harry Met Sally" and blogging, completely uninturrepted...although it has just occured to me..."How am I supposed to find "The One" sitting watching TV and working on the computer?" But I digress....
Billy Crystal has just informed Meg Ryan that men and women cannot be friends because the sex always gets in the way. And in fact, a man couldn't even be friends with a woman he finds unattractive because "you pretty much want to nail them too."
Although I have seen this movie dozens of times, this question just made me stop and think...is it true?
I have friends who are guys...but not close close friends. Although...I did have a male friend once who was one of my best friends...but he was as gay as the day is long, so I don't think he counts.
The male "friends" I have now are work buddies or acquaintances. We'll have luch as part of a group but not hang out one one one.
What do you think? Can men and women really be friends?
Interesting question, and I think the answer is yes! Most of my friends until I was about 40 were men, and one of my best friends now is a man, a straight man BTW.... When Harry Met Sally is one of those odd films that I can NOT turn off when I run across it on TV, I especially love the couples between segments!
ReplyDeleteI can affirm that men and women CAN be just friends. I have several Male friends, I always have. Some gay, some straight. I think it is more about the way a women holds herself. Men do seem to be driven by lower extremities, but intelligent evolved men can most definately be just friends. Depends on how or why they met, and other factors. No "benefits" involved.
ReplyDeleteMy intimate partners have in the past questioned the movitives of the male friends, and became enraged at the relationship with the friends. Well they are gone and the friends remain.
Having 4 brothers may have something to do with why I so easily befriend men. It seems natural to me.
But that is just me.
I think men and women can remain just friends. My husband has a good friend, who happens to be female, and I have a few male friends that I've never thought of any other way. I think age and maturity places a significant role.
ReplyDeleteWhew girl. I’ve been wanting to blog about this for quite some time as Red and I argue of this frequently. It depends on who you ask. I would say that yes men and women can be friends. But ask a guy and you’ll get exactly what Billy Crystal told Meg Ryan in the movie. You see, it was explained to me by the wise Red that women can and will be friends with a man and maintain a non sexual “friendship”. A man can too but will have this innate desire to take the friendship on to a sexual plain. He will maintain the friendship in the hopes that maybe it will, even if only once, manifest into a moment of bodily enthralled passion. It may never happen, as, women hold the cards when it comes to engaging in the intimacy part. However, according to Red, a man will get intimate with a woman who is a friend if allowed to, unless of course he’s gay (and EVEN then there’s a slight possibility). I really have to get my thoughts together and blog about this myself as I would find it interesting what both sides would have to say on the subject matter…
ReplyDeleteBTW, I happen to like that movie very much.
I agree!
ReplyDeleteit depends on how well the guy can act like he does not want to sleep with you...but, one good drunk, shoots it all to help....it can be different, when one is married..but, if they are single, it becomes more of a risk..
ReplyDeleteMarty, I have to ask...What is that in your hand on your icon....I know I am not wearing my glasses, but I really need to know! LOL
ReplyDeleteLOL it's a tater to annoy a friend! LOL I'll change it later!!
ReplyDeleteI was wondering what that was in your hand....daaayyyuuuum!!!!