Friday, October 10, 2008

The George Bailey School of Economics...

I've been quiet as of late.  I've been caught up in our nation's latest crisis.  No, it's not all those illegal immigrants who come here and steal our jobs (because I soooo want to work under the table for less than minimum wage.)  It's not those gays getting married ruining the sanctity of marriage (which should only be reserved for unwilling teenagers under the media spotlight in a desperate attempt to avoid the fact that abstinence only education doesn't work.)  No, I'm not thinking about the war (although I was pissed to find out that while we are spiraling into debt, Iraq has a $79 Billion surplus)

Like many of you...I'm thinking of the economy.

How is this going to end?  No one really knows.

But I've come to three conclusions on how we can get through this.  And the answers can be found in the classic film..."It's a Wonderful Life."

1.  DON'T PANIC! - This is the most important rule.  Let's not panic!  Let's all recall the scene in It's a Wonderful Life when the townspeople rushed the bank trying to get their money.  George Bailey kept his head together and calmed everyone down.  It's hard to think straight and make smart choices when your head is spinning. George Bailey kept the Savings and Loan open by keeping everyone calm.  And he did one more thing that leads me to my next point...

2.  CUT EXPENSES! - After calming down the townspeople, George Bailey asked them not to pull out all their money and not to sell to Mr. Potter.  But he did say to take out enough to get by.  That seems like really sound advice for us.  Let's just get by.  Let's look at what we spend our money on and figure out where we can cut the fat.  And lets just put that away for now.

3.  HELP EACH OTHER! - I'm a big believer in Karma.  If you do good things, then good things will come to you.  All his life George Bailey was a good guy and helped those around him.  In his time of need, those he helped, helped him in return.  If you see someone who is hurting and struggling, then lend a hand if you can.  It will come back to you.

If you want to boil down these three items, it basically comes to this...lets all calm down, hunker down and wait for this to blow over.  And we'll get through this together.

These are hard scary times for all of us, let's all take a moment to ask what ever higher power you believe in to keep an eye out for us....Hugs and God bless!