Friday, November 23, 2007

People in my Life!

awwww! So precious!

These are some of the people I love!


  1. Thanks for sharing photos of your loved ones. Beautiful family!

  2. Esa es mi muchachita! Se llama Triana pere le digo Treenie (o Trini) Triana era el apellido de mi abuela. Es muy comun en los Estados Unidos nobrar un nino con un apellido

  3. Treenie is beautiful! She is your only one?

  4. Yes she is...its just the two of us...and the dog...and the cat...and sometimes a few fish.

  5. She is very cute....Looks like you have a close family though. The sisters and brother. Great looking bunch! Feel free to go visit my page as well. Meet my family.
    No recent pics of me though, Just when I was in my 30's I am 57 now. I guess everyone else has pictures of me! LOL
