Friday, April 11, 2008

Hey Harvard!! I Want an Apology!!

As I have mentioned before.  From time to time, things fall into place in my life.  All the bills are paid.  No one is sick.  Job satisfaction is running high.  Things look rosey.  When this happens I find something to bitch about because I am just happier being bent out of shape about something.

I was thinking the other day about how lucky I am to live in Boston. (Granted I live in a burb now, but I was born and raised in Dorchester, yes, I'm a Dot Rat.)  When you live in Boston, you live among some of the best hospitals in the world.  You are within reach of some of the most historic places in the country.  You are a stones throw from top level universities. 

I started to think about all these colleges and universities, Boston College, Boston University, Tufts, Emmerson, Wellesley, the University of Massachusetts (I went to UMass Amherst) and of course Harvard.  Hmmmm...Harvard.

From time to time my department has an intern or two from Harvard.  The majority have all showed up with an unbearable sense of entitlement.  I have caught Harvard interns rubbing their school in the faces of other interns that might go to state schools or just another school that isn't Harvard.  Gotta say it really pissed me off because I went to a state school and I feel I got a prefectly wonderful education thank you very much.

So if these INTERNS have such a huge sense of entitlement, imagine some of the Alumni.  Keep in mind, I am not saying ALL Harvard interns and alumns are jerks, but I've come some Harvard alumns and interns that just leave me baffled.  How do you carry around such a huge ego without a hernia.

So I started to think about some famous Harvard Alumns:

Jeffrey K. Skilling - This former Enron CEO is a graduate of the Harvard Business School.

Paul Bremer - This captain of industry was supposed to bring order to Iraq, instead he made everything worse and misplaced 9 billion dollars.  He is a graduate of the Harvard Business School.

George W. Bush - Need I say more?  He is a graduate of the Harvard Business School.  Do we see a trend here?

Cardinal Archbishop Bernard Law - This "man of God" protected pedophile priests.  Instead of turning them into the authorities for child rape, he just moved them to other parishes, so they could rape other children.  He is a Harvard graduate and currently hiding out in the Vatican.

Alberto Gonzalez - Do we need to go into this?  He has a Harvard Law degree.

The Unibomber - enough said.


  1. What amazes me is that they charge such an incredible amount in tuition but yet they have a 35 billion dollar endowment.

  2. Soni I am with you, I've recieved my first degree from a community college and now take classes at a private college and I will take a teaching and atmosphere of the community college any day, any time. I've lived around Clark and Holy Cross students, and granted their tuition is slightly less than Harvard, but man what attitudes on those snatty nose over-cocky kids. God help them when they get out in the real world and have to prove themselves. Hey glad to hear things are going well for you, and thanks for finding something bitch about. Great blog

  3. From time to time I will get a Harvard student who wants an internship with me. At one point in time my department only hired interns from the Harvard School of Ed. When I became in charge of the interns, I put an end to that and opened up the internship opportunity to any college or university. As someone who has a degree from a state university I found that to be hugely insulting.

  4. Do you ever get any students from Mass Institute of Art? My daughter attends that college for televison production/editing/video

  5. You know Sue, I haven't. And I have contacted them and let them know we offer internships!
