Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Post Election Pledge of Unity

The election is over,

The results are known.

The will of the people

Has clearly been shown.

Let's forget the quarrels

And show by our deeds.

We will give our leader

All the help that he needs.

So let's all get together

And let bitterness pass,

I'll hug your elephant

And you kiss my ass.


  1. Our ASS needs a good kissing. I am ready whole heartedly to hug and ELEPHANT that will respond in kind.
    Good one Sonia!

  2. i have one friend, a Republican, who is arguing with me, over Obama's birth certificate...the Obama haters, will stop at nothing...she actually wrote part of the constitution on my seems to go over her head, that to apply for the damn job, candidates have to go through such security screening, that their entire family tree is scrutinized...just to have the ability to run a campaign...Yet, all that is overlooked, because they still push that he is a dirty terrorist muslim black man....
    Then you have the Texas Christians..who's talk borders on any other country, they would be arrested for the crap they are saying...
    I suspect, as i have said before, Obama will not last the 4 years...some nutcase will make a name for themselves and want to kill him...if that happens, the US will be no better than Iraq.

  3. Knight that is a very sad thought. I can see your point, but I just can't think that way.
